What's True? by Bill Click

By Bill Click
Several years ago, I came to a conclusion that's only been strengthened by what I've seen & experienced since: "If the truth isn't good enough, then a lie definitely will not work." It's essential to visit this today because of what we see around us, but I'm not going to go on & on about 'my truth' & 'your truth' & 'their truth.' Suffice it to say that the reality is there is only one "truth" (Jn.14:6- but see also Jn.1:14; 4:24; 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 17:17, 19). Otherwise, you're left with a nothingness that provides nothing absolute to stand on, as well as nothing to really stand for, not to mention nothing to ultimately count on, or even honestly hope for.
What's True? by Bill Click
Digital Download Course
By Jeremy Lopez
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Several years ago, I came to a conclusion that's only been strengthened by what I’ve seen & experienced since: “If the truth isn’t good enough, then a lie definitely will not work.”
It’s essential to visit this today because of what we see around us, but I’m not going to go on & on about ‘my truth’ & ‘your truth’ & ‘their truth.’ Suffice it to say that the reality is there is only one “truth” (Jn.14:6- but see also Jn.1:14; 4:24; 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 17:17, 19).
Otherwise, you’re left with a nothingness that provides nothing absolute to stand on, as well as nothing to really stand for, not to mention nothing to ultimately count on, or even honestly hope for.
If that sounds like the world we live in, then you need to understand to see that it’s not “the kingdom” you’re called to participate in, follow or operate from Mt.6:33; Lk.17:20-21; Ro.14:17-18). God calls you to an unshakable “kingdom,” one which Christ promises to “build” each of us into (Heb.12:18; Mt.16:16-20).
What We Must Know
If we don’t know that “truth” only exists in & must be revealed to us by God, then we’re lost. We will drown in an endless sea of opinionating that (at best) has its foundation in human evaluations of factual knowledge, relying only on a trust in those who compose & arrange these ‘facts,’ as well as an unfounded belief in the purity of their motives for assembling & then expressing them. And at worst? Complete fabrication of which obviously denies of what can be "clearly seen" (Ro.1:20).
Let the Truth Stand on Its Own
As I said in the beginning: “If the truth isn’t good enough, then a lie definitely will not work.” But we have a problem with letting the truth be good enough to get the job done. We want to help it somehow. You see this everywhere: exaggeration of the facts in order to prove a point.
Some Christians rationalize this by saying that they are speaking in hyperbole (if challenged about their honesty). But hyperbole is a teaching tool of the ancients which combined an obvious impossibility with a precept that was observable in reality. (That sounds deep, but it really isn’t if you take a moment to think about it).
Jesus used hyperbole several times to make a point that should have seemed obvious that did not seem so to those listening (see Lk.14;25-35 for example). But Christ did not use this to win arguments about issues or to misconstrue statistical information to arrive at a desired conclusion.
Today we have seemingly accepted that an exaggeration & misrepresentation of facts to get the point across is logical, acceptable & often even preferable to not only make our point, but to identify us with others (when in fact it is mostly only rhetorical & isolates us from being able to learn & grow).
When “½” Actually Equals “1"
Based on the above, we have to add to my previous statement the following: “a half-truth becomes a whole lie.” (Sometimes,1/2 equals 1 as analogy, not hyperbole). Let me explain.
Whenever we leave something out (of what's true) or add something in that is not present otherwise (not true) we become at best half-truth liars and at worst . . . flat out deceivers. Unfortunately, we can see this everywhere, so don’t just blame the politics (though these can be disgustingly diseased with half-truth, whole lies).
That’s what I mean when I say it is absolutely essential that we let the truth stand on its own, because “if the truth is not good enough, that a lie definitely will not work!” 
“Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God” (2 Cor.4:1-2).
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ” (Eph.4:14-15).
Bill Click