3 Truths When Your Heart Needs Reassurance by Becky Harling

By Becky Harling
Each of us have moments in our lives when fear, loneliness, regret or sadness touch us. In those moments, it seems as though time stops, and it feels a bit more challenging to trust God. Jesus understands those moments. He is compassionate and remembers that we are formed from dust (Psalm 103:13-14). Rather than giving us a "toughen up" talk, Jesus offers reassurance. In John 14, knowing He would soon leave the disciples, understanding their confusion, and empathizing with their fear, Jesus offers them 3 tangible truths of reassurance. These truths are timeless and still can reassure our hearts today.
3 Truths When Your Heart Needs Reassurance by Becky Harling
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Each of us have moments in our lives when fear, loneliness, regret or sadness touch us. In those moments, it seems as though time stops, and it feels a bit more challenging to trust God.
Jesus understands those moments. He is compassionate and remembers that we are formed from dust (Psalm 103:13-14). Rather than giving us a “toughen up” talk, Jesus offers reassurance.
In John 14, knowing He would soon leave the disciples, understanding their confusion, and empathizing with their fear, Jesus offers them 3 tangible truths of reassurance. These truths are timeless and still can reassure our hearts today.
3 Truths of Reassurance
Jesus will not abandon us when the road gets rough.  Jesus told the disciples, “I will not leave you as orphans: I will come to you” (John 14:18). In our present culture with loneliness at an all-time high, we need the reassurance that Jesus is the most loyal friend. He will never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He’s not the type of god that shakes His head and abandons us when we make a mistake. Instead, He offers forgiveness. He’s not the type of god who remains aloof when life is filled with trials. He’s the God who comes close. As a result, your heart can be reassured that you are never alone!
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and in us. This is such great news and I fear we sometimes forget it. Friend, the Holy Spirit lives in you!  He is constantly available to provide wisdom and lead you into truth. He is the advocate on your behalf before the Father. What a joy to realize that when life gets tough, the Holy Spirit is praying for you and pleading for you before the Father. When you don’t know what to do, He is a constant source of wisdom in your life. He will show you which way to go. The truth is, you can’t do your spiritual walk without the Holy Spirit. So, if you’re trying to muscle through, give it up. Instead, live in constant communication with the Holy Spirit. Surrender to His control and ask Him to lead the way. In the morning, I pray, Holy Spirit, bring my will into perfect alignment with Yours. Flow through me today. Lead me into all truth.
Jesus promised peace. He promises, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). There is a choice involved in experiencing this peace. It doesn’t just pop into your mind or overtake your body like a tranquilizer. There is a yielding and releasing that needs to happen on our part. Let me give you an example. The other night, I was dealing with what felt like an insurmountable problem. I was spazzing out and felt like my soul was unraveling. When I realized what I was feeling in my body and emotions, I stopped. I opened my hands and surrendered to whatever the Lord had in the situation. I whispered, “Lord, whatever the outcome of this situation, I praise You that You will work it for my good and for my growth. Thank You that I can trust You.” As I finished my prayer, I experienced peace knowing God had it and would show me what to do. I was able to sleep peacefully trusting that in all things, it would be well, because my Father was in control.
Friend, in your life and mine, circumstances will at times be challenging. Life is filled with unexpected and unplanned difficulties. The good news, however, is that Jesus offers continual reassurance, and reminds us to not let our hearts be troubled.
Becky Harling