Discovering True Peace in a Tropical Paradise

Discovering True Peace in a Tropical Paradise 

Gospel for Asia
For Immediate Release

Alok grew up in a state known for serene natural beauty as a tropical paradise, but lacked peace until he encountered the Creator of that beauty.

GOA, INDIA (ANS) -- The village Alok grew up in was filled with lush valleys, rivers and mountains. The scenic natural beauty of this place in Goa, India, lay in stark contrast to the difficulty and unrest Alok experienced before knowing Christ.

Alok and his many siblings grew up in poverty. It didn't help that their father was helpless to properly care for the family because of his alcohol addiction. Alok would later experience the death of his father as just a young man.

Alok lost two older brothers as well due to lack of proper medical treatment for their illnesses. Despite the difficulties he experienced in his home life, Alok somehow managed to complete tenth grade, considered high school graduation in India. Then he went to a technical college to learn welding.

By then, Alok's lack of proper role models was taking its toll. He ended up being expelled from college for bad behavior. He later began working for the same company one of his brothers worked for.

One might think things would start to get better for Alok-at least on the surface. But he started being haunted by a constant, bizarre fear. Filled with anguish and unable to cope with it, he finally confided in his manager. This man was a Christian, and he encouraged Alok to say the name of Jesus when he was afraid.

Alok decided he should at least give his manager's advice a try. And to his amazement, it worked! Whenever Alok called on the name of Jesus, he sensed God's presence, and his fear left him.

During this time, Alok's manager, as well as others, spoke with the young man about Jesus' love. God used their faithful witness in Alok's life, and he received Christ as his Savior. He began attending a local church and was soon growing considerably in the Lord as he read his Bible and prayed every day.

The Lord allowed Alok to endure some more struggles even after he became a Christian, but he used all these things to reveal His purpose for Alok's life.

First, Alok's attempt at starting a business ended in great loss. Then his pastor helped him find work as a bus conductor, which he did for about a year before moving on. He then became a fisherman-a common occupation in Goa.

Alok was restless, finding no satisfaction in any of the jobs, but God was working to make his call clear on Alok's life. Around this time, Alok's pastor suggested that he might find what he was looking for at a GFA Bible college in Goa.

Despite not having the support of his family, Alok did well in his studies, and in 2000 he graduated and went on to the mission field in his native state. And by God's grace, Alok was leading a thriving church a few years later.

The Lord also brought into Alok's life a godly spouse, Sarita, who is just as committed to the ministry as he is. She helps him and works among the women, teaching them weekly from God's Word and leading regular meetings for fasting and prayer. She also encourages new believers and joins other women for outreach in the community. Together, Alok and Sarita serve the Lord in Goa, pointing others to the peace they've found in Him.

·                                 Goa is India's smallest state at 1,428 square miles.

·                                 Read more about how Alok has been an agent of Christ's peace as he spreads His Gospel in Goa.

Gospel for Asia is a mission organization involved in evangelism and church planting in Asia's unreached regions. Currently Gospel for Asia supports more than 16,000 church planters in 10 countries.