by Bill Hamon

In 1997, I began preaching about the Saints Movement and declaring that once all five-fold ministries were restored the Saints Movement would be birthed. Now that all of these offices have been restored to the church, with the purpose of equipping the Saints, the Saints are now able to go forth into the kingdoms of this world and demonstrate the Kingdom of God.
It important to have an understanding not only of the times, but also of the terminology. I want to bring clarity to buzz words and phrases such as: restorational move of God, reformation and revival. The Saints Movement is a restorational move of God. A restorational move comes just before or during a revival, and its purpose is to restore truth to the church--truth that has been dormant since the Dark Ages. Every new restorational movement since the Protestant movement, has built upon the ones before restoring layers of truth back to the Church. Each layer has built a foundation for the Saints Movement and the Third and Final Apostolic Reformation.
The purpose of a revival, just like that which is taking place right now in Lakeland, Florida, is to revive something that has already been established in the Church. Lakeland, with its great miracles and outpouring of the Glory of God, is reviving the Healing Movement of 1948. The movement of 1948 revived the Healing Movement of the 1880's. A revival revives, reactivates and gives a new emphasis to something that has already been established. Traditionally, a revival lasts 10 to 15 years and then dissipates. Like a river when the flood gates are opened, the water rises, overflows the banks, saturates the ground and then the waters recede. The river must then flow on in restoration truth.
A reformation has several restorational movements within it. God's purpose in the 1st reformation was to birth and establish His church and get it moving to touch the whole world. The purpose of the 2nd reformation, which started with the Protestant Movement and Martin Luther, was to activate the church out of the Dark Ages moving towards full maturity, destiny and purpose. In the 3rd and Final Apostolic Reformation, God is releasing new purpose, destiny, power, authority and grace. It is Revelation 11:15, ".The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."
God is moving in mighty ways through the Lakeland revival. Miracles, signs and wonders are occurring and the Glory of God is being released. Thanks to satellite and the internet, people all over the world are able to experience this outpouring without even leaving their homes. Many people say it's getting us ready for the rapture, everyone gets excited about the rapture, but the revival is not for the purpose of rapturing us out. God releases revival so that we can receive our miracles, be filled with the Glory, take it into our communities and see Church Reformation for City Transformation.
Don't get caught up in when and how the rapture will take place. No matter what your view is, in the end we all end up back on earth ruling and reigning, setting up God's kingdom, and filling the earth with His new creation. Let us not loose focus! Jesus said in Matthew 24 that there would be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine and all sorts of troublesome situations. He even said that this would be a sign of the end, but that it would not be the end. In verse 14 Jesus said, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." When the "kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord" then we will see the end. This is what the 3rd and Final Apostolic Reformationis all about.
I believe the outpouring in Lakeland is just the beginning. Many people from our staff and congregation have journeyed down to Lakeland to receive what is being imparted there. We are now fasting, praying and pressing into the Lord for an outpouring here. God is not limited by a person or a location, and desires to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. I encourage you to press into the Lord, sanctify yourself and cry out for His outpouring in your life so that you can take it into the kingdoms of this world.
Yours for the victory,
Dr. Bill Hamon
Founder and Bishop