God's Kingdom Wealth Shall Be Established!
by C. Peter WagnerI hereby take the apostolic authority that I have been given by God as an ambassador for the Kingdom of God. I make this decree on the foundation of the blood shed by Jesus Christ, God's Son, at the cross of Calvary. I enunciate these words by the power of the infilling of the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit of God.
In compliance with the sacred scriptures written in Ephesians 3:10, I, on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ, make known the manifold wisdom of God to the principalities and powers in the Heavenly places. I say to you, evil spirits of darkness, that the reign you have usurped over the creation and over the nations of the world since the Garden of Eden is hereby coming to an end. The wisdom of God declares that His Kingdom is coming and that His will shall be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Your dominion is coming to an end, replaced by the godly dominion of those who are born again children of the last Adam, Jesus Christ.
As a key part of bringing this about, God has declared through His prophets that the wealth of the wicked will be released to the Kingdom of God. Powers of darkness will diminish and powers of light will flourish. I declare this to the principalities and powers who have been agents of Satan to obstruct this transfer of wealth for too long: Your time is up! Your evil powers are broken! By the blood of Jesus Christ, I declare that your wicked powers are demolished! I take the apostolic authority that has been given me and I bind you! What is bound on earth will be bound in Heaven. Let go of the wealth of the nations! I loose this wealth for the Kingdom of God. What has been loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven!
I declare that this wealth will be distributed for the extension of the Kingdom of God by the apostles that God has set in the church. I consecrate these chosen apostles. Two days ago I completed the formation of an apostolic council of 48. These experienced men and women have passed the tests of giftedness, effectiveness, leadership, and exemplary character. I speak specifically to Mammon, you vile and destructive demonic principality, and I say you will keep your hands off these 48 chosen ones. Neither greed nor covetousness nor parsimony nor self-reliance will be able to influence God's chosen and anointed ones. They, among many others like them, will be mighty agents of God for the transformation of society. They will lead the way in restoring the rightful dominion and stewardship over God's creation that was lost by our forefather, the first Adam.
I decree that vast amounts of wealth will be released supernaturally, even from godless and pagan sources. I decree that large numbers of God's chosen people will be empowered in fresh and creative ways to gain wealth according to Deuteronomy 8:18. New inventions will multiply. Disruptive technologies will change the life patterns of the whole human race. The earth will disgorge vast riches of hidden resources. These will be entrusted to God's agents. Profits will increase exponentially.
The enemy's camp will be plundered. The forces of darkness will be in disarray, and they will retreat. Jesus will be exalted in nation after nation. Righteousness and justice will sweep the earth as a tsunami. Resistance will be impossible. Jesus will put all things under His feet. He will deliver the Kingdom to God the Father. The prayer that Jesus taught us will be answered. "Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!"
It is spoken. So may it come to pass! Amen and amen!