This past weekend there were numerous live stream conferences online. Some had hundreds of people in attendance, and some even had thousands. People filled auditoriums, churches and tent meetings worshipping Jesus side by side. Each person expressed their heartfelt worship with joyful singing and raised hands. Each ministry had their own unique music, and each person had their own personal way of connecting with God. 
A few weeks ago, I had a prophetic message titled "The Double Portion Anointing." I wrote about how Elijah trained and mentored Elisha, up until the time the Lord took him up. Elijah asked Elisha what he wants from him when he departs. He replied: "Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me." So, he said, "You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so." The Lord is about to release a greater anointing on many of us in this day. There are those who paid the price, passed the tests, kept their hearts pure, and followed closely after the Lord.
As Holy Spirit filled believers, Jesus has given us the ability to see, and do things beyond the natural realm. He has given us discernment from heaven's perspective. We should be able to perceive what the Lord is doing and then release it on this earth, whether it is preaching, a prophetic word, a word of knowledge, healing or one of the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have been given these unique gifts to be able to tune into the frequencies of heaven and discern the voice of God. 
If you've ever had a true encounter with Jesus, you know that the experience is life changing. It will leave you with an unquenchable hunger for more revelation on the things of God. There is a remnant who has experienced the supernatural intervention of God in their personal lives and have known the secrets and mysteries of heaven. They long for such times where the presence of the Holy Spirit fills their homes and churches as they get caught up in the Shekinah Glory. They could never go back and be satisfied with a surface-level Christianity, but instead, they will continually press in for another supernatural encounter.
As technology advances, we are blessed to have access to ministries worldwide through video platforms. We could watch replays from years past as well as live stream recordings. Whether it be Sunday morning services, conferences, teaching or prophetic words, we could find them all on a video app. There is a diverse range of styles from traditional to contemporary who are anointed with the Holy Spirit and fire. This afternoon as I scrolled through some videos, I noticed that there was a consistent theme of what pastors and prophets were saying. There was such a hunger and some services were so anointed that I felt the fire of God just by sitting here watching them.
As we step into a new year, many believers are filled with great expectation and anticipation of what lies ahead. I believe that this next year will be a time of great favor, and that many in the body of Christ will be equipped with powerful anointing's to fulfill their God-given destinies. In the midst of what appears to be a dark season of opposition, there will be a sudden shift in the spirit realm. There's coming a time when we will experience supernatural miracles, divine encounters, and amazing breakthroughs.
Many of you are about to embark on the most exciting journey of your lifetime. You've been asking the Lord for personal direction for yourself, your family, and your ministry, but you still have no clue which way to go. I have an awesome word for you today, and if you receive it, and run with it, it could change the trajectory of your life. The Lord showed me different scenarios of four groups of believers who were asking the Lord for direction, wisdom, and discernment. 
I heard the Lord say, "I am giving My people new strategies for this new season." I pondered this word in my heart as I prayed in the Spirit. I looked up the word "strategy" and one of the definitions I found was "A careful plan or method." Another definition referred to the science or art of combining and employing the means of war in planning and directing large military movements and operations. There is a spiritual military operation in the heavenly realms. There are various ranks of angels and heavenly hosts in the atmosphere around us.
In the book of Daniel, the LORD allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to besiege Jerusalem. He ordered the court officials to bring in young Israelite men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace. These men were renamed to Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel purposed in his heart and requested not to be defiled with the portion of the king's delicacies or wine. After ten days Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were healthier and more nourished than the young men who ate the royal food.
In three of the gospels, Jesus taught the people using a parable about a man sowing seed which was symbolic for the Word of God. He gave an illustration about four different types of soil in which the seed was sown. This parable as an analogy of the condition of people's hearts. Some seed fell on hard ground, which describes the person who won't even receive the Word of God because they are not interested. The rocky ground represents those people who receive the Word of God, but don't have enough soil for the seed to take root, so they eventually lose interest in spiritual things.